Part 1: The Sacred, the Secular, and the Faithful
Many of us grew up in a world where some things were considered “sacred,” and other things “secular.” The sacred things (going to church, for instance) were essential, while the everyday things (working a day job) were simply necessary and unimportant. In this sermon, Pastor Jason argues that every job we do, however mundane, is important in the eyes of God, and is worthy of our faithful effort.
Listen to Pastor Jason’s sermon from January 21
Follow along with the sermon slideshow
Part 2: Why Work?
Okay, so there is no split between the sacred and the secular. But who cares? Why does it even matter? In this sermon, Pastor Joshua explores our Isaiah 61 calling, and why our work is so essential.
Listen to Pastor Joshua’s sermon from January 28
Follow along with the sermon slideshow
Part 3: Joining Jesus in His Ministry
When Jesus started his public ministry in Nazareth, he explained what He was there to do by reading Isaiah 61. He had come to start the long business of restoration. Likewise, in our vocations, we are called to do the same thing. Thus, we “join Jesus in His ministry.” In this sermon, Pastor Joshua explores that idea, shows two example videos from real life, and listens as the congregation shares their thoughts.
Listen to Pastor Joshua’s sermon from February 4
Follow along with the sermon slideshow
Part 4: Sons & Daughters
We all have a variety of different giftings, but what do those giftings have to do with our identity? And what are the implications for our vocations? Pastor Joshua explores these ideas in week 4 of our Faith in Work series.
Listen to Pastor Joshua’s sermon from February 11
Follow along with the sermon slideshow
Part 5: Your Calling
In this sermon, we further examine “the five-fold ministry” from Ephesians chapter 4. What does it mean to be an apostle, an evangelist, a prophet, a pastor, or a teacher? Pastor Jason makes the case that these ministry gifts are not only for church staff, but for everybody. Every one of us has been given a combination of these gifts. But are we actually employing these gifts to point people to Jesus?
Listen to Pastor Jason’s sermon from February 18
Follow along with the sermon slideshow
Part 6: Three Stories
In this sermon, our friend Erastus Auino tells three powerful stories from his own workplace, and tells us how he’s come to see himself as a minister even though he works in the restaurant business.
Listen to Auino’s sermon from February 25
Follow along with the sermon slideshow
Part 7: Conclusion
In this final sermon, Pastor Joshua tells us how we can be salt and light in the workplace, even if it isn’t the place we want to be.
Listen to Pastor Joshua’s sermon from March 4
Follow along with the sermon slideshow
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